Happy Rez day!

Happy Rez day to me and a happy Hogmanay to you all! :0)
posted by Doctoe Schnook on Ungnyo using a blogHUD : [permalink]
No real main theme. This is a purely personal blog, consisting mainly of babble about cats, technology, and living in London. And it just might contain some rubbish about TV-type stuff or virtual worlds. Metamediaverses are the future my friend.
| You are mild-mannered, good, strong and you love to help others. ![]() |
Real-time weather visualization and forecasting, high-resolution 3-D maps of the moon and Mars, real-time tracking of the International Space Station and the space shuttle will be explored in the future.That is the bit that caught my eye. Imagine extending that into a 3D immersive environment. You could be in a virtual space shuttle with astroavatars (er, so the astronauts, except they are controlling their avatars as well as flying a tin can in zero gravity), while moving through Google Earth/Mars/Moon (which by this stage has a real-time updating mode too so that everything you see is fresh), the stars and planets all around you, all in real time, seeing what they are seeing. As if astronauts and Nasa have nothing better to do. Heh. How about a bespoke one built out of Multiverse's toolkit?